stating that God himself is a ‘Record Keeper’ and/or the ‘First Accountant’. Secondly, good record
keeping is identified as a proof of our integrity as children of God (2 Cor. 8:21). This implies that
doctrinally, church financial management is recognized as a precondition for achieving the ultimate goal which is
spiritual contentment and sanctity.
be: weak internal control, embezzlement of church funds, lack of financial management education, over reliance
on individuals and volunteers’ boards, antediluvian accounting methods, etc. This study was aimed at
determining the appropriate accounting practices to be adopted by churches in Nigeria and to attempt to
proffer solutions to the major problems faced by churches in financial management for resources within their
control as well as examining pecuniary problems, prospects and implications of proliferation of
churches. Church accounting is a relatively new area in financial management research.
Specifically, the study was set out to identify core financial management practices in churches and relate them with contemporary
standard practices for non-profit making organizations. It was also geared at examining the extent to
which the following problems affect church accountability, transparency, function; weak internal
control, over dominance of leadership, emphasis on enterprise objective at the detriment of profit,
inability to operate in a business fashion, lack of
accounting education, etc. The study also sought to
establish the relationship amongst accounting practices, church revenues, sources and utilization.
2.1 Framework of church governance and financial management
Governance is vital to the success of any organization from small domestic organization to
large international organization. But what exactly is governance? In its simplest form, governance
refers to group decision making that addresses shared problems. Within the context of the international
organizations, governance describes the processes and
institutions that guide and restrain the collective
activities undertaken by it and its members. In addition, governance is more about process through
which a decision is made, rather than the substance of the decision itself. In other words, governance is
not necessarily about making an international organization stronger; rather, governance describes an
international organization’s rules and procedures that the organization uses to accomplish its goals.